Three-Legged Dog Goes Viral On TikTok For Walking Upright Like A Human Make You Need To Thinking

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Three-Legged Dog Goes Viral On TikTok For Walking Upright Like A Human Make You Need To Thinking 
Three-Legged Dog Goes Viral On TikTok For Walking Upright Like A Human Make You Need To Thinking
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One would agree that pets make our seemingly dull days brighter. Be it cats or dogs, pets make for great companions and each one of them comes with its own unique personality and perhaps even habits.


Well, a certain three-legged dog recently went viral on the internet for a habit he developed due to the fact that he l.o.s.t one of his front legs in an acci-dent. The three-legged dog named Dexter is a 6-year-old canine who adapted and learned how to walk on two legs after l.o.sing one of his front legs due to being h.i.t by a car. Dexter can walk on his back paws, and his posture reminds everyone of that of a human being.

He came into our life as a four-legged puppy, we adopted him. His birthday is April 2015. He is now six. Back in March 2016, he was hit by a car. The dog recently went viral due to this unusual habit. However, Dexter was born with all four legs, and unfortunately lost one of his front paws in an acci-dent . The canine was hit by a car and required over 5 surgeries in one year to recover. After the sur-gery, he started hopping to get around. Soon after he was used to doing that, he also started putting more weight on his back legs too.

“It was a progression so we lived through the movements of it,” said Dexter’s owner Kentee

People’s reactions when seeing Dexter on the streets are very positive as they are fascinated with the way the dog walks. When asked about people’s reactions to the dog, Dexter’s owner Kentee told us quite a few details.

“They are sho‌cked, surprised or they yell his name and come hug him. One walk, a car did a U-turn while a lady was screaming his name and in front of a huge group of people, she ran all the way to him and hugged him like a long-lost friend. She had been a follower on Instagram for a while. It sho‌cked the crowd and they began asking questions about Dexter. He has a great life. He is loved, he has a mountain lifestyle with walks and hikes, sleeps on a couch and soft bed, plays with toys and is loved by all” his owner said

Hope that through the story of this extraordinary little dog can help us have more faith, effort and never give up before fate. With the message that I want to convey to everyone: “Even if you don’t have a perfect body, remember you can still have a perfect soul.” This is similar to the saying “when Go‌d closes one door, He also opens another door for us”.

In that difficult period, as long as you can persevere through it, you can win everything.       

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