“Space advertising” can help businesses earn 2 million USD / day

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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According to the researchers, the brand will only need a month of hanging billboards in the air to recover the investment costs.
“Space advertising” can help businesses earn 2 million USD / day
These aerial billboards will resemble performances with drones - Photo: Internet.

Advertising on space will require a large amount of money, but in fact a campaign will not be too expensive when taking into account the profit earned. That is the opinion of researchers from two Russian institutions, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

" It sounds unrealistic, but we demonstrate that space advertising campaigns with more than 50 small satellites flying in formation are possible ," the new report published on Aerospace states.

The cost is not less expensive than before, plus the CubeSat satellite (a small satellite, light enough to hold in one hand) is much cheaper, so scientists, private organizations, startups have can easily reach orbit. In the extraterrestrial environment, many experiments or experiments could have taken place at low cost.

It comes with a cheap advertising opportunity with an array of satellites flying in space. According to calculations by Russian scientists, each satellite carrying a sail reflecting sunlight can be considered as a pixel, a team of satellites will be able to combine into a large billboard. suspended in the sky, visible to the naked eye when the viewer stands from the ground.

The company has mentioned the ability to advertise products in this way, but no organization has implemented such a "heavenly" campaign. Therefore, researchers do not have enough data to evaluate the feasibility of the advertising campaign in practice.

Based on initial calculations by experts from Skoltech and MIPT, a 1-3 month campaign using 50 satellites stretched a 32 square meter sheet of reflective material - the largest area that CubeSate could handle. stretch to date - will cost $65 million. The cost includes satellite money, spaceship launch and other technical costs.

After the initial data were available, the team of researchers estimated the revenue that could be obtained from advertising.

Because the “aerial billboard” will need to reflect light, but still need a sky dark enough to be clearly visible to people on the ground, it will be most effective at dawn and dusk.

Such a campaign is expected to require billboards that follow the sun, moving between residential clusters. On each city, the sign will hover for a few minutes before leaving; Based on indicators such as outdoor advertising costs, area population, billboards blocking factors such as cloudy weather, cold weather that makes few people go out, ... scientists have calculated the business. collect a possible brand.

They claim that each day, such an advertising campaign can generate up to 2 million USD in revenue. That is, just running the campaign for about a month, a brand will recover the cost.

Advertising space is visible to the naked eye - Photo: Internet.

Restrictions come from a billboard in the air

Astronomers have repeatedly raised concerns that satellites in low Earth orbit could affect the ability of optical telescopes to observe. Space research, and even asteroid tracking, can be affected by a dense layer of satellites.

This can be yet another obstacle preventing brands from launching an advertising campaign, but when the huge profit numbers dance in front of the brand, it will be hard for them to turn down a good advertising opportunity. so. Perhaps, even if we don’t want to, we will soon no longer want to look up at zero. 

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